domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014


Description: Unicellular organisms. Prokaryotic (without nucleus) and without organelles.
Extremities: Some have flagellum to move and pili (hairs) to attach themselves to a surface.
Nutrition: Heterotrophic (they eat organic substances, acting as decomposers) or Autotrophic (some performs photosynthesis, and others chemosynthesis, this is they obtain energy from chemical reactions)
Respiration: Some need oxygen to live (aerobic) but others don't (anaerobic)
Reproduction: Asexual, through division.

ClassificationBacteria, the oldest living things on Earth. 

                         Including the Cyanobacteria, the primary  

                         producers of oxygen and nitrogen for the 

                         atmosphere and the oceans for over 3.000 

                         million years. 



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