martes, 21 de abril de 2015

EDAD ANTIGUA 1. MESOPOTAMIA (Sumerios, Asirios y Babilónicos)


Sumer was the first civilization where we can find written records in the form of clay tablets. The invention of writing sets the beginnig of history and the end of prehistoric times. The first written records are from 3500 B.C. (5500 years ago). This civilization was located in Mesopotamia, the land between the rivers Tigris and Eufrates, and flourish from 4000 BC to 2400 BC.INVENTIONS: the cuneiform writing system, the plough, irrigation agriculture, the wheel chart and the commerce.  In Mathematics they used a sexagesimal numeric system from which derives our way of measuring the time in 60 seconds, 60 minutes and the year in 12 months. They developed the astronomy from which derives the week of seven days, the five planets (for thousands of years we only knew about five planets), the moon and the sun.SOCIETYIt is the first complex society we know of,  with farmers, specialized jobs (builders, bakers, metal workers, ceramists...), an army, priests and a government.MONUMENTSThey built the largest cities of that time,  surrounded by high walls. And they built colossal zigurats some time before the great pyramids of Egypt.

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