jueves, 23 de abril de 2015


Reccared (or RecaredI (559–601) (reigned 586–601) was Visigothic King of HispaniaSeptimania and Galicia. His reign marked a climactic shift in history, with the king's renunciation of Arianism in favour of Catholic Christianity in 587.

Reccared was the younger son of King Leovigild by his first wife Theodosia. Like his father, Reccared had his capital at Toledo. The Visigothic kings and nobles were traditionallyArian Christians, while the Hispano-Roman population were Roman Catholics

By this time the remaining ethnic distinction between the increasingly Romanized Visigoths and their Hispano-Roman subjects had all but disappeared (the Gothic language lost its last and probably already declining function as a church language with the extirpation of Arianism, and dress & funerary customs also cease to be distinguishing features in ca. 570/580).

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